


Home staging is essentially the art of preparing your property for potential buyers. Your home is the canvas and as the artist, you need to present your property in all its splendour and lock in a great first impression – and first impressions can only happen once!

Whether your property is up for rent, lease, or for Airbnb, viewers are about emotional and practical connections and will tick off some fundamental checks- is the property clean? Is it comfortable? Is it practical and worthwhile?

Your goal is to convert viewers into buyers, and while you don’t need to spend a fortune on presenting your property, consider some practical ways to elevate its visual attraction when potential investors drop by:

• Keep the grass short and if possible, get your driveway water blasted and the compound cleaned. The sight of overgrown weeds or specks of rubbish in the garden can be mildly irritating, even before visitors reach the property.

• Declutter especially if the property is still occupied. While it’s totally understandable to have personal effects laying around if your home is not yet vacated, you still want viewers to see the home as theirs, so make the effort to clear out common living areas of unnecessary items; laundry, used ashtrays, old newspapers, sleeping mattresses and personal items like hairbrushes etc that could be strewn around.

• Use pot plants to add the freshness of natural foliage. Fiji is one of the world’s most beautiful destinations and there’s no shortage of specimens to brighten your home and also hide any tear and wear. Consider some classic beauties like monstera, mother in laws tongue, or Dieffenbachia ‘Sublime”.

• To really set the mood, light some scented candles and pop some fresh flowers in a vase before visitors arrive. Aromas and flora are a simple but effective way to add colour and ambiance to any atmosphere.

• If you have a vehicle, consider parking it on the road so visitors can have ample space to walk around the property and get a feel for it.

• FAQs! Be prepared for some frequently asked questions like amenities and activities in the area, which of these places are within walking distance, etc.

Your viewers are there to be awed and will naturally imagine themselves living or working in your property, envisioning the lifestyle pluses, renovations, or commercial returns it could make. 


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